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Italian Citizenship Assistance Program

6 Common Myths About Italian Citizenship by Descent

Embarking on the journey to obtain Italian citizenship by descent is an exciting opportunity to reconnect with your roots. However, there are many misconceptions about the process that can make it seem overwhelming or unattainable. Whether you’re worried about generational limits, price concerns, or language requirements, we’re here to set the record straight. In this blog post, we’ll debunk some of the most prevalent myths about Italian citizenship by descent, providing you with clarity and confidence as you explore your eligibility.

Common Myths Surrounding Italian Citizenship by Descent

Myth #1: My last Italian Ancestor was my Great Great Grandfather so I do not qualify.

There are no generational limits for Jure Sanguinis in Italy. This means if you meet the qualifications and are able to prove your line of eligibility to the Italian Government, you likely have the right to claim Italian citizenship!

There are a few key dates that must be examined to fully determine your eligibility. First is March 17, 1861, which is the date of Italian Unification under the Kingdom in Italy. You must be able to prove that your last Italian born ancestor had lived in Italy some time after that date in order to qualify for Jure Sanguinis. The second date to keep in mind is July 1, 1912. This was the date that Italian Law 555 or Jure Sanguinis took effect. Your Italian Ancestor must not have naturalized to a foreign country before this date, otherwise you may not be eligible for Italian Citizenship.

If you are uncertain if your Italian ancestry falls under these parameters, our intake specialists would be happy to schedule a free eligibility screening with you to review your eligibility status!

Myth #2: My Italian Ancestor was a female so I can’t apply.

Until January 1, 1948, Italian born women did not have the right to pass citizenship to their descendants. Following Italian women receiving full rights of citizenship in 1948, any children born to a female with an unbroken line of Jure Sanguinis were able to claim citizenship. A very common point of confusion is that the date of birth of someone’s female ancestor is what dictates if a case is a Via Materna/1948 case, but rather it is the date of birth of the descendant that dictates this.

If your Italian born ancestor, or an intermediary female ancestor passed citizenship to their descendants prior to 1948, not all hope is lost. A landmark Italian court case in 2009 contested this law stating that it was discriminatory and that Italian women did pass citizenship prior to 1948 and had equally legitimate claims to the laws of Jure Sanguinis. Since that ruling, Via Materna or 1948 cases have been an equally valid route to obtaining Italian citizenship by descent.

There are many nuances to the 1948 law which can be confusing, so if it is unclear if your Italian female ancestor qualifies you for citizenship, please visit our webpage regarding Via Materna cases or schedule a call with us!

Myth #3: Applying for Italian Citizenship by Descent will take a very long time.

The most common route for United States citizens to obtain Italian dual citizenship is through their regionally assigned Italian Consulate. Depending on the consulate, the wait times for an appointment for citizenship by descent can vary widely. Long wait times at the consulate can be discouraging for some, but there are alternative routes that can speed up the process of obtaining your citizenship.

One of these paths is a 730 Day court case, commonly referred to as an “Against the Queue Case.” If you are able to prove through legal recourse that you are unable to obtain a consulate appointment at your designated consulate within 730 days, or 2 years, you may be eligible to have your case heard in the Italian court system. For many individuals whose consulates have long wait times, this can be a much more efficient path to obtaining your citizenship. The second possible alternative route to obtaining your citizenship is the aforementioned Via Materna/1948 case. Because these types of cases must go through the Italian courts, these cases also serve as an alternative route to obtaining your citizenship by avoiding the potentially long wait times at your assigned consulate.

If you are interested in learning more about court cases for obtaining your Italian Citizenship, please visit our webpage regarding court cases.

Myth #4: You must live in Italy to apply for Italian Citizenship by Descent.

Generally, there is no residency requirement in Italy to apply for Italian Citizenship by Descent. The most common route of obtaining citizenship by descent is applying through your local Italian consulate which does not require you to have spent any time in Italy whatsoever.

While there is no residency requirement in Italy, those who qualify for Jure Sanguinis can potentially expedite the process by applying for citizenship in Italy. ICAP has several programs in various comunes, or towns, throughout Italy where you can apply for citizenship. We seamlessly guide your citizenship application with the help of our local program managers in each town who will help you secure a short term lease, establish your residency, arrange meetings with necessary government officials, translate on your behalf, and guide you through every step of the citizenship process.

If you are interested in learning more about our Apply in Italy programs, please visit our webpage or schedule a call with us today.

Myth #5: You must be fluent in Italian in order to become an Italian Citizen.

The Italian laws of Jure Sanguinis have no language requirements. Unlike many other European countries with similar laws of Jure Sanguinis, Italy does not require you to learn Italian to obtain citizenship by descent.

While there is no Italian Language requirement for those who are eligible for citizenship by descent, we always encourage our clients to learn Italian in order to connect to their ancestry. ICAP offers Italian Language lessons for all knowledge levels of the Italian Language.

Please visit our webpage on Italian Language Lessons if you would like to master the Italian language or if you wish to brush up on your current skills.

Myth #6: Working with a firm to assist with Italian Citizenship by Descent will be extremely expensive.

ICAP has specialized in helping individuals obtain Italian Citizenship by Descent for almost 18 years! We separate ourselves by tailoring our cases to each individual’s unique family history and their individual path to citizenship.

By tailoring our cases to our client’s individual needs, along with a “pay as you go” invoicing structure, we provide a financially viable pathway to obtain Italian citizenship. We commonly work with families to divide costs in order to make the investment of Italian Citizenship much more financially feasible and provide flexible payment options for our clients.

If you are curious about our pricing please visit our webpage on ICAP’s pricing or schedule a call with us today.

Embrace Your Heritage with Confidence

Understanding the realities behind these common myths is the first step toward successfully obtaining your Italian citizenship by descent. The process may seem daunting, but with accurate information and the right support, Italian citizenship is an achievable goal. At ICAP, we’re dedicated to guiding you through every phase of your citizenship journey, tailoring our services to your unique family history and needs. If you’re ready to take the next step or have any questions, schedule a call with us today. Reconnect with your Italian roots and open the door to new opportunities for yourself and future generations.

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