Ciao, mi chiamo Irene, piacere! Since 2008 I help students from all over the world to learn Italian and more recently I started a collaboration with ICAP as online Italian language teacher. Although teaching Italian in presence was my first love, I must say that online lessons have significant advantages both for me as a teacher and for my students.
After years of insights, investigations and professional experiences, here are the winning assets of being an e-teacher I discovered and why learn Italian online can be a good opportunity… especially in this historical period!

The advantage of learning a language online
I think that the possibility given by new technologies to get in touch in a simple way with people from around the world is fascinating. And the opportunity to connect with them from the comfort of your favourite place is priceless.
As a teacher, I enjoy being able to create lessons using different tools and to share documents, images, videos, audio, links and … even interactive games with a simple click. The communicative approach and the interactions with the students are essential for me and with the possibilities offered by the new technologies and the increasingly optimized video conferencing software, everything is even easier.
For each student I create a personalized path using multimedia materials that can arouse his curiosity towards Italian culture and language and facilitate the learning process. And to help us start off on the right foot, before the beginning of each course, I organize an informal video chiacchierata (chat) with the future student in order to better understand what are his goals, motivations and hobbies.
I always try to establish a good relationship with my students from the beginning, even if virtual. In this way I almost seem to have them next to me, sitting at my desk, a casa mia! Whether it’s from home, or from a crowded coffee shop, I don’t feel the distance as a problem for the lesson, and apparently not even them.
What do you need to take the Italian online language course?
With Internet anyone can take an online language course, there are no geographical or age limits but there are some things you need to take into consideration. Our Italian online language course are usually held with the help of video call applications that allow you to share documents, your screen, audios and chat in order to have a complete interaction. What will you need besides a stable and fast internet connection?
- First of all, a computer with a webcam: surely this solution wins on smartphones and tablets because it allows you to better enjoy shared images and documents.
- Recommended, but not essential, the use headphones: in this way you can hear perfectly, without being distracted by external noises, even in potentially loud environments such as a cafeteria or an office.
- Last but not least, an application for video calls: before starting our lessons make sure you have installed Skype or, alternatively, you can use Google Meet. If it is the first time that you use them, don’t worry, they are easy and intuitive to use and we can help you understand how to install and use them or find equally valid alternative solutions.
And then? Once that you have all the device and assets needed and that we have done the assessment test and the introductory chat, I will assign you a book based on your needs and / or I will create extra material (multimedial documents, PDF, games) for each session to make the journey to your goals simpler, more productive and enjoyable!
Allora, sei pronto a parlare italiano?