Reacquisition of Italian Citizenshi Skip to content
Italian Citizenship Assistance Program
Reacquisition of Italian CitizenshipReacquisition of Italian Citizenship enables former Italian citizens, who lost their status through naturalization in another country, to restore their Italian nationality.

Overview of Reacquisition of Italian Citizenship

Reacquisition of Italian citizenship allows former Italian citizens who have lost their citizenship to regain it, reestablishing their ties to Italy and enjoying the benefits of dual citizenship. This process is particularly relevant for those who became naturalized citizens of another country, thereby losing their Italian citizenship. The Italian government recognizes the desire of individuals to reconnect with their heritage and has established procedures to facilitate this reacquisition. To qualify, applicants typically need to reside in Italy for a certain period or demonstrate a strong connection to the country, such as through family ties or cultural involvement. The process involves submitting documentation proving former citizenship, such as birth certificates, naturalization records, and other relevant documents.

It is important to note that reacquisition does not re-establish the line for citizenship by descent for descendants who are adults when the citizenship is reacquired. However, if someone renounced their Italian citizenship before their children were born and reacquires it while their children are still minors, those children can automatically obtain Italian citizenship. The specific requirements and procedures can vary depending on individual circumstances and changes in Italian law. While we provide information regarding all routes to Italian citizenship, ICAP’s expertise is in Italian citizenship by descent, and we do not directly take on cases for reacquisition of Italian citizenship.